An L1 blockchain that allows developers to capture the value their dapps create
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Positioned as a launchpad to the Cosmos, it distinguishes itself in the crowded crypto landscape by rewarding developers for the value they bring to the network. As an L1 blockchain, Archway fosters innovation and addresses the imbalance in value distribution typically seen in other L1s.
Developers benefit from on-chain protocol rewards, including gas rebates, inflationary rewards, and premiums, creating a symbiotic relationship between the network and dApps. Archway's commitment to supporting developers includes Area-52, an interactive learning platform, and a dedicated online community, fostering collaboration and innovation.
Archway stands out by directly rewarding developers for the value they contribute to the network. Unlike traditional L1s, Archway prioritizes a fair distribution of rewards, creating a healthier ecosystem for both the network and dApps.
Developers on Archway receive 100% on-chain protocol rewards, including gas rebates, inflationary rewards tied to Arch token supply, and premiums. These rewards are structured to encourage sustainable innovation, providing flexibility and freedom to developers.
Archway's integration with CosmWasm allows developers to utilize Inter-Blockchain Communication (IBC) to connect with other L1s in the Cosmos. Developers can start their projects on Archway, receive rewards, and tap into functionalities of other L1s, promoting a collaborative and positive-sum environment.