

Arbitrum is a technology suite designed to scale Ethereum.

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What is



Arbitrum is a layer-2 scaling solution for Ethereum that aims to enhance the scalability and efficiency of the Ethereum network. With Arbitrum, you can do the same things you do on Ethereum, like use web apps and make smart contracts, but faster and cheaper.

The main product, called Arbitrum Rollup, is a rollup protocol using Ethereum-level security. The basic idea is that an Arbitrum Rollup chain runs as a sort of sub-module within Ethereum

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Frequently asked questions

What is Arbitrum and how does it work?

Arbitrum is a layer-2 scaling solution for Ethereum that aims to enhance the scalability and efficiency of the Ethereum network. It achieves this by utilizing a technology called optimistic rollups, which allow for faster and cheaper transactions. Arbitrum operates by processing transactions off-chain and periodically submitting batches of transactions to the Ethereum mainnet, reducing congestion and gas fees.

How secure is Arbitrum for conducting transactions?

Arbitrum places a strong emphasis on security and leverages the underlying security of the Ethereum network. The rollup design ensures that all transactions are verified on-chain, providing a high level of security. Additionally, Arbitrum conducts regular audits and works closely with the Ethereum community to address any vulnerabilities and enhance the overall security of the network.

Can I transfer my tokens between the Ethereum mainnet and Arbitrum?

Yes, you can use Kado to bridge tokens between Ethereum mainnet and Arbitrum?

What are the benefits of using Arbitrum for Ethereum users?

Using Arbitrum offers several benefits for Ethereum users, including: - Faster Transactions: Arbitrum enables faster transaction confirmation times, allowing users to enjoy near-instantaneous transaction finality. - Lower Transaction Costs: By offloading transactions to the Arbitrum network, users can significantly reduce their gas fees, making transactions more affordable. - Enhanced Scalability: With Arbitrum's layer-2 scaling solution, Ethereum's capacity is increased, allowing for more transactions to be processed simultaneously. - Interoperability: Users can seamlessly move their assets between the Ethereum mainnet and Arbitrum, benefiting from the features and capabilities of both networks.